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Resumen de Efeitos da Terapia analítico-comportamental e de uma cartilha na identificação de interações abusivas

Elisa Smile Teixeira de Oliveira, Jocelaine Martins da Silveira

  • português

    A violência por parceiros íntimos tem sido cada vez mais reconhecida como um problema de saúde pública. Este estudo avaliou o efeito de uma intervenção comportamental na identificação de interações abusivas em duas mulheres, de 26 e 28 anos, com queixas (ex. depressão) ligadas a interações com seus parceiros íntimos. Foi empregado um delineamento de caso único intra-participantes, com fases de linha de base (A), implementação de Terapia analítico-comportamental (TAC) (B), e adição da cartilha ‘Namoro Legal’ à TAC (BC) para uma das mulheres, e inversão da ordem de implementação das fases BC e B para a outra. Foram realizadas quatro sessões de linha de base e oito sessões de TAC, quatro delas com a adição da cartilha. Todas as sessões foram gravadas e categorizadas por meio de categorias criadas para o estudo, buscando registrar a identificação de interações abusivas pelas participantes. Os resultados mostraram que após a utilização da cartilha houve melhora na identificação e na precisão da descrição de interações abusivas nos relatos das participantes, assim como diminuição dos escores de depressão. Sugere-se investigar outras atividades estruturadas e outras estratégias psicoterapêuticas para impedir a progressão do abuso psicológico para outras formas mais explícitas de violência.

  • English

    Intimate partner violence (IPV) has been increasingly recognized as a public health problem. IPV is perpetrated in affective relationships, in which, physical, psychological or sexual abuse occur. Psychological abuse can affect mental health and can predict physical violence. Thus, the objective of this study is to evaluate an intervention in the identification of abusive interactions for people in psychologically-abusive relationships. The intervention consisted of 12 behavior therapy sessions: four baseline sessions and eight Behavior Analytic Therapy (TAC) sessions. In four of the TAC sessions, a booklet (Namoro Legal) was used. The participants were two 26 and 28 year-old-women. Their complaints (e.g. depression) were related to their intimate partners. Physical violence was an exclusion criterium for this study. Sessions were conducted by a female behavior analyst. The study consisted of a single-case experimental design. One of the participants received A-B-BC design while the other received A-BC-B design. Phase A consisted of a baseline, Phase B consisted of the introduction of TAC and phase BC consisted of TAC plus the ‘Namoro Legal’ booklet. All sessions were recorded and coded using codes created for the study in order to capture abusive interactions identification. Social skills, depression and social anxiety were measured before and after the 12 sessions. Such measures aimed the participants characterization. Results indicated the increase of abusive interactions identification.

    There have been improvements on the accuracy of descriptions. Apparently, the content of the booklet influenced the increase in the accuracy of the description of abusive interactions. However, its repeated presentation as well as some questions about abusive interactions may also have influenced their identification. Therefore, for future investigations, it is suggested to evaluate other potential resources to assist people facing IPV. It is suggested to investigate structured activities focused on contents that evoke reports about interactions with the partner. It seems to reduce clients and therapists scape/avoidance behaviors of such aspects. It is also suggested further studies on curbing abuse progression, since it tends to start subtly and then, to move on to other types of violence.

Fundación Dialnet

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