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Resumen de 'Oratio caliphae ignoto': lʼabolition du Califat ottoman, la ratification du traité de Lausanne et la dernière bataille califale

Emre Öktem

  • After a short-lived coexistence with the Turkish Republic, the Ottoman Caliphate was abolished on March 3, 1924. This act is apparently unrelated to the Treaty of Lausanne, signed on July 24, 1923 and considered to be the founding act of the new Turkey:

    absent in the text, the question of the Caliphate can only be guessed at in the context of the treaty. However, a juxtaposed reading of the minutes of the Turkish and British parliaments, as well as of the Italian, French and English diplomatic documents of this period suggests that the abolition of the caliphate is intimately linked to the negotiations for the ratification of the Treaty of Lausanne by the Great Powers with large Muslim populations, as well as subsequent political events. In synchronism with European diplomacy, the pro-British Hashemite King Hussein prepares for the caliphate, which he will proclaim on March 5, 1924, while the British parliamentary machine is gearing up for ratification. This proclamation will trigger a real battle between England and France, the field of which is in the mosques of the Middle East where the name of the Caliph must be invoked at the khuṭba of Friday prayers.

    Anxious to avoid the influence of an Anglophile caliph in its territories, France won the victory by opposing its anonymous caliph, glorified in the pro-French mosques, to the name of Hussein, pronounced in the mosques won over to the English cause. Thus, the khuṭba for a non-existent caliph will pave the way that will eventually reduce the caliphal institution to nothingness.

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