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Resumen de Educational Inclusion: teachers’ Technical Needs and Supports

Beatriz Núñez Angulo, Antonella Valenti, Sonia Sapia

  • The Erasmus + Project “European diversity design for inclusiveeducation”(EURODDIP-e), co-financed by the European Union, aims to provide education professionals with the knowledge, tools and devices necessary to assess the individual needs of the Students with difficulties in the upper limbs and personalize the Information and communication technologies (ICT) resources (interface, software, buttons, etc.). A Questionnaire Teacher (QT) witha= 0.75, has been prepared tofind out the needs of professionals in the teaching-learning process, taking into account the characteristics of the students and the existing technological possibilities, both in paper format and by using GoogleForms is anonymous, and collects sociodemographic data, as well as 27 other items (16 yes/no answers, 10 Likert-type answers and the last open-endedanswer. 1237 teachers from public and private schools in Belgium, Italy, Portugal and Spain, have responded. Items related to the training and performanceof teachers in their teaching with inclusion students and use of ICT are analyzed.The need for training and greater resources is unanimous. English, French and Spanish versions in https://riubu.ubu.es/handle/10259/5262. It is the beginningfor the elaboration of a methodology for the detection of capacities for all partner countries.

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