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Resumen de Cinematografía experimental y danza posmoderna en Film About a Woman Who... (1974) de Yvonne Rainer

María Eugenia Rabadán Villalpando, Alejandra Olvera Rabadán

  • español

    ENSAYO ACADÉMICO Este ensayo se propone examinar el carácter interdisciplinario de la cinematografía experimental y la danza posmoderna en el Film About a Woman Who… (1974) escrito y dirigido por Yvonne Rainer. Su narrativa autobiográfica permite suponer la separación de las disciplinas en su vida y obra cuando afirma que a la edad de cuarenta ella deja el campo ⎯danzario⎯ para dedicarse enteramente a filmar narrativas experimentales. No obstante, con base en los Estudios Visuales como método de investigación, que particularmente consideran a las imágenes como teoría, tanto como ejemplos de teoría y comentarios inteligentes de otras obras ⎯como After Many a Summer Dies the Swan (2000) y The Concept of Dust, or How do you look when there’s nothing left to move? (2015)⎯ este artículo conjetura que Rainer coreografió en esta filmación experimental como danza posmoderna y, en ese sentido, es probable analizarla como ambas disciplinas.

  • English


    This essay aims to examines the interdisciplinary character of postmodern dance and experimental cinematography on Film About a Woman Who… (1974) written and directed by Yvonne Rainer. Her autobiographical narrative allows us to suppose the separation of the disciplines in her life and work when she states that at the age of forty, she leaves the field [dance] to dedicate herself entirely to filming experimental narratives. However, based on visual studies as a research method, which particularly considers images as theory, as examples of theory and as intelligent commentaries on other works –such as After Many a Summer Dies the Swan (2000) and The Concept of Dust, or How do you look when there's nothing left to move? (2015) – this article conjectures that Rainer choreographed in this experimental filming as postmodern dance and, in that sense, it is likely to be analyzed as both disciplines.

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