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Resumen de Il teatro in Sicilia tra XVI e XVIII secolo

Stefano Piazza

  • The present state of knowledge about Sicilian scenography and theatrical architecture in the modern age is a major obstacle along the path to synthesizing current interpretations in the field. The scarcity of documentary sources, the almost total absence of iconographic evidence, and the destruction suffered by these edifices (starting from the earthquake of 1693) provide an fragmentary picture composed of isolated specimens that are difficult, if not impossible, to decipher. This contribution therefore aims to link together the single traces known to date, in a completely provisional analytical path, stretching from the end of the sixteenth to the end of the eighteenth centuries. In this perspective, valid support comes from the primary role played by Palermo, one of the most populated urban centres in Italy and capital of the Kingdom, where the most significant aspects of Sicilian theatrical life seem to be concentrated, although it is obviously not possible to interpret events in the other cities and towns as a mere reflection of experiences in Palermo. The research path follows two different but complementary directions: the architectural advances made in theatrical performances and the parallel development of scenography.

Fundación Dialnet

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