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Resumen de Aportación ó estudio do protomedicato en Galicia: visitadoras de boticas nos séculos XVII e XVIII

J. Santiago Sanmartín Míguez

  • galego

    A figura do Visitador de boticas do Real Tribunal do Protomedicato, presenta unha das súas singularidades na posesión deste cargo por parte dunha saga de mulleres galegas, que o ostentan entre os séculos XVII e XVIII.

  • English

    The charge of Pharmacy's Inspector of the Royal Court of the «Protomedicato», was particularly singular during the 17th and 18th cenruries, when it was hold by a saga of che Galician women. In this work, che author analyses the legal characteristics of this charge in relation to the venial charges existing in the Old Régime Spain, pointing up the legal differences and analogies found among chem.

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