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Resumen de Deep Calls Unto Deep': the “Exegetical” Commentary to the "Versus maligni angeli" (ms. Charleville-Mézières, Médiathèque Voyelles, 117, fols. 1v-19r)

Lucie Dolezalová

  • The study presents an editio princeps of a twelfth-century commentary to an obscure poem Versus maligni angeli. The text, a fourth commentary on the poem referred to as “exegetical”, survives in a sole manuscript witness, Charleville-Mézières, Médiathèque Voyelles, 117, fols. 1v-19r, written in the twelfth-century and owned by the Cistercian Signy Abbey. The text presents yet another way of understanding the obscure poem and includes three curious digressions. There are indications that it might have originated in the circle around Hugh of St. Victor. There is a proof of reception of this commentary, in interlinear glosses to the poem in ms. Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, St. Peter Perg. 12, fol. 120v. The study also contributes to the description of the codex with the commentary, which includes six opuscules by Hugh of St. Victor that were previously overlooked.

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