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Resumen de Piano para danza: metodología y desarrollo curricular

José Luis Chicano Pérez

  • español

    El acompañamiento pianístico de la danza es una realidad, situándose como una disciplina en sí misma tras la aparición, en el año 2013, de la especialidad Repertorio con piano para danza. Pese a ello, el vacío existente, tanto normativo como formativo, es mayúsculo. El puesto de pianista acompañante de danza es un valor en alza y que cuenta con un importante nicho de mercado, si bien, ni instituciones educativas ni la propia administración apuestan por la formación ni la ordenación de estos profesionales. Es un hecho que, muchos de los pianistas que acompañan danza por primera vez, no están cualificados para ello, pues han carecido de las enseñanzas necesarias para el desempeño de su labor. Es por ello, que con el siguiente estudio, partiendo de una investigación aplicada y analizando las habilidades que ha de desplegar un pianista de danza, se ha desarrollado una propuesta metodológica y currículo para una hipotética asignatura al respecto que responda a las escaseces formativas del colectivo. AbstractThe piano accompaniment of dance is a reality, positioning itself as a discipline in it after the appearance, in 2013, of the specialty Repertorio con piano para danza. Despite this, the existing void, both normative and formative, is enormous. The position of dance accompanist pianist is a rising value and has an important market niche, although neither educational institutions nor the administration itself are committed to the training or organization of these professionals. It is a fact that many of the pianists who accompany dance for the first time, are not qualified for it, since they have lacked the necessary teachings to carry out their work. That is why, with the following study, based on applied research and analyzing the skills that a dance pianist must display, a methodological proposal and curriculum have been developed for a hypothetical subject in this regard which responds to the training shortages of this collective.

  • English

    The piano accompaniment of dance is a reality, positioning itself as a discipline in it after the appearance, in 2013, of the specialty Repertorio con piano para danza. Despite this, the existing void, both normative and formative, is enormous. The position of dance accompanist pianist is a rising value and has an important market niche, although neither educational institutions nor the administration itself are committed to the training or organization of these professionals. It is a fact that many of the pianists who accompany dance for the first time, are not qualified for it, since they have lacked the necessary teachings to carry out their work. That is why, with the following study, based on applied research and analyzing the skills that a dance pianist must display, a methodological proposal and curriculum have been developed for a hypothetical subject in this regard which responds to the training shortages of this collective.

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