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Resumen de Discriminaciones Condicionales Encadenadas con Imágenes y Palabras Escritas en Participantes de Diferente Edad

Raúl Ávila Santibáñez, Andrés García García, María Teresa Gutiérrez Domínguez, Karla Denisse Campos González

  • español

    Se probó la viabilidad del entrenamiento en un procedimiento de discriminación condicional encadenada para la adquisición de las discriminaciones condicionales y las relaciones derivadas en participantes de 5-11, 12-15 y 16-17 años. Brevemente, al inicio de un ensayo se presentó uno de cuatro estímulos de muestra (A) junto con cuatro estímulos de comparación (B); la elección del estímulo B correcto resultó en la presentación del estímulo B ahora como muestra acompañado de otros cuatro estímulos de comparación (C). La elección de los estímulos de comparación B y C correctos fue seguida por una consecuencia positiva y las elecciones incorrectas por el reinicio del ensayo. Los estímulos de muestra y de comparación fueron imágenes o palabras escritas de nombres de pintores (A), sus países de origen (B) y sus pinturas (C). Globalmente, se encontró que los participantes adquirieron las discriminaciones condicionales y las relaciones derivadas; y ya que éstas se adquirieron relativamente más rápido con imágenes que con palabras escritas como estímulos, los resultados sugieren una relación entre la edad y el tipo de estímulos. Estos hallazgos son relevantes a la literatura sobre la contribución del significado de los estímulos muestra o de comparación en los procedimientos de discriminación condicional.

  • English

    The viability of the chained-conditional-discrimination procedure for the acquisition of conditional discriminations and their derived relations was evaluated in participants of three different age groups. At the start of a trial, a sample stimulus (A) and four comparison stimuli (B) were presented. Choosing the correct comparison stimulus (B) resulted in the presentation of this one as a sample stimulus with other four comparison stimuli (C). Correct choices of comparison stimuli B and C were followed by a positive outcome. On the other hand, incorrect choices of either stimuli B or C resulted in the restart of the trial with the presentation of the first sample stimulus (A). The sample and comparison stimuli were images or names of painters (A), their respective countries of origin (B), and their paintings (C). Preliminary tests of familiarity with the stimuli were conducted to determine if the participants were familiar with the sample and comparison stimuli; if this was the case, participants were discarded from the study. Afterwards, participants were exposed to the chained-conditional-discrimination procedure in which they worked until they had obtained 20 consecutive correct trials, or until 80 total trials had been presented. The participants that reached the acquisition criteria (i.e., 20 consecutive correct trials) were exposed to the derived-relations tests of reflexivity, symmetry, transitivity and equivalence. In general, regardless of the age and the type of stimuli, all participants reached the acquisition requirement of the conditional discriminations and showed the derived relations. It was found that the participants acquired the conditional discriminations and the derived relationships relatively faster with images than with written words as stimuli; the results suggest a relationship between age and the type of stimuli. These findings are relevant to the literature on the contribution of sample or comparison meaningful stimuli in conditional discrimination procedures. In addition, these results support the viability of the chained-conditional-discrimination procedure to acquire conditional discriminations and derived relations among stimuli.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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