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Resumen de The literature and the formation of teachers of the prescholastic education

Ismary del Busto Pou, Teresa Hurtado Machado

  • español

    El trabajo aborda la importancia de la literatura en la formación de docentes para la educación preescolar. Presenta las experiencias obtenidas a partir del trabajo con la obra narrativa de Boris Mesa Fernández y sus potencialidades para adentrarse en sus textos escritos para niños y jóvenes con vistas a incentivar la lectura e identificarse con sus valores, en especial para el caso de los estudiantes que se forman como docentes de la educación preescolar.

  • English

    The paper approaches the importance of Literature in the formation of educational for the prescholastic education. It presents the experiences obtained from the work with the narrative work of Boris Mesa Fernandez and their potentialities to enter itself in his texts written for children and young people with views to stimulate the reading and to identify themselves with his values, in special for the case of the students who are formed as educational of the prescholastic education.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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