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Resumen de Eventos de mareas rojas: estrategias de manejo preventivas en Ecuador

Gladys C. Torres Estévez

  • español

    Se realizó un análisis retrospectivo de la información existente sobre mareas rojas en el área marina costera e insular del Ecuador comprendidos entre 1968 y 2009, con el propósito de ubicar áreas y épocas de mayor ocurrencia y las especies causantes de estos eventos. Los resultados evidenciaron 131 eventos de marea roja, registrados en todos los meses del año, siendo marzo abril, y mayo los de mayor ocurrencia coincidentes con la época cálida. La mayor ocurrencia fue en el Golfo de Guayaquil (80%), principalmente en el Estero Salado y Río Guayas, sector de Puná y borde costero de El Oro, sectores que se relacionan con mayor uso antrópico. Se identificaron treinta y siete especies causantes de mareas rojas, siendo la clase Dinophyceae la más relevante con veintiocho especies de dinoflagelados, seguidos por Cyanophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Raphidophyceae y un Ciliado. Mesodinium rubrum fue el ciliado con mayor número de mareas rojas seguidos por Gymnodinium sp., Noctiluca scintillans y Cochlodinium catenatum, algunos eventos se relacionaron con mortalidad de organismos (peces, camarón y larvas de camarón) que no han tenido una explicación científica de cual fue la causa, lo que establece la necesidad de una propuesta de estrategias en el manejo integrado de la prevención, control y vigilancia a futuros eventos de mareas rojas y a sus impactos.

  • English

    A retrospective analysis of the existing information was made on red tides, happened in understood the coastal and insular marine area of Ecuador between 1968 and 2009, in order to locate aerial geographic of main impact, times of the occurrence, species producing causes of these events and the registries of mortality of organisms. The results demonstrated 131 events of red tide in which 26 events of mortality of organisms were included. The years of greater occurrence were in 1985 (Estero Salado), 2001 (coastal central area) and 2003 (Puná island and coasts of El Oro), possibly in answer to local oceanographic conditions. The months of main occurrence were in March, April, and May, although these also were demonstrated in every month of the year, coincident with the main solar radiation. The aerial geographic of the most occurrence was located in the Gulf of Guayaquil (80%), mainly in the internal channels, near of Puná island and in front of the El Oro Province, sites that are related to areas of greatest anthropogenic use. Thirty and seven species were identified cause of red tides, being the Dinophyceae class with twenty-eight species of dinoflagellates, followed by Cyanophyceae, Bacillariophyceae (three species), Raphidophyceae (two species) and one Ciliate. The Gulf of Guayaquil it was the site that had of most number of species. Me- sodinium rubrum was the dominant taxon with highest number of red tides, followed by Gymnodinium sp., Noctiluca scintillans and Cochlodinium catenatum. The twenty-six events were related to mortality of organisms (fish, shrimp and larvae of shrimp) and these happened in the Gulf mainly; this not had a scientific explication, because any environmental authority at the present as it was the cause. These results establish the necessity of actions anticipated by means of a strategies proposal in the integrated management of the prevention, control and monitoring to future events of red tides and their impacts.

Fundación Dialnet

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