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Resumen de Barriers of edible insect purchase in spain and possible segments (póster)

Kenza Goumeida, Filipa Azinheira, Tiziana de Magistris

  • Malnutrition, obesity and climate change represent the great threats for the World population which, in 2050, according to the estimates of the United Nations, will reach 9,700 million inhabitants. To mitigate this effect, the practice of eating insects (Entomophagy) is a future challenge for food, feed security and also a global concern about the global sustainable and safe utilization of resources. In line with this issue, one of the big distribution channels in Spain, Carrefour, has started to introduce edible insect food in their shelf’s lines. In contrast and despite the great advertising campaign, the sales still very low. The present study focuses on Spanish consumer's behavior for edible insects and the potential barriers preventing its consumption, in particular, we focused on an insect-made snack. To achieve this aim, we collected 161 consumers with an online survey during Spring 2020. We used cluster and factorial analysis to profile Spanish consumers. The results confirmed ...

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