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Resumen de I fitonimi φέως, ἱππόφεως, ἱπποφαές e ἱππόφαιστον: una histoire des mots

Luca Rigobianco

  • This paper deals with the history of the Greek plant names φέως, ἱππόφεως, ἱπποφαές, and ἱππόφαιστον. In particular, the paper aims to reconstruct the relationship between such names and between the plants designated by them in the light of the information con-veyed by Greek and Latin sources. Furthermore, a possible etymology of φέως, ἱππόφεως, and ἱππόφαιστον from *bh eh2-w- ‘to shine’ is investigated, as well as a possible alternative etymology of ἱπποφαές, which could originate as a folk etymology for ἱππόφεως, from *gwhen- ‘to hit, to kill’.

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