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Resumen de La nación en ausencia: primeras formas de representación en México

José Antonio Aguilar Rivera

  • español

    El artculo revisa las interpretaciones corrientes sobre el origen de la representacin en Mxico e identifica la originalidad mexicana en la tradicin poltica occidental. Se exponen tres argumentos. El primero de ellos es que en Amrica Latina en general, yen Mxico en particular, la evolucin del derecho al voto fue inversa a la de Europa. De un momento inicial expansivo, se pas paulatinamente a otro de restriccin. El segundo presenta la originalidad hispanoamericana en el contexto de la evolucin del gobierno representativo en Occidente. Se ha pasado por alto que en Amrica Latina se dio el ltimo empleo del sorteo. Finalmente, cuestiona el carcter "notabiliar" de la representacin en esa parte del mundo. La eleccin de notables no era una anomala del mtodo representativo, sino un rasgo intrnseco que se puso de manifiesto en Amrica Latina.

  • English

    The article reviews the current interpretations of the origin of  political representation in Mexico, and identifies how Mexico is original within the Western political tradition. Three arguments are compared. First, in Latin America in general, and particularly in Mexico, the development of the franchise was inverse to that of Europe's: beginning with an initial movement towards universal suffrage, the franchise gradually limited. Second, it presents how the Spanish American tradition is original in the context of the evolution of representative government within western countries. It is generally unknown that the last record of the use of lottery drawing of political representatives comes from Latin America. Finally, it questions the assumption that political representatives were "notables" in Latin America as an anomaly of the representative method. The article shows, instead, that the system of political representation itself causes notables to be elected.

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