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Resumen de El comentario filosófico: arte de la filosofía

Pablo López López

  • español

    Tras introducir una filosofía del comentario, se explica el comentario de filosofía. El comentario filosófico es parte destacada del arte de filoso-far. Con finalidad didáctica, se expone al alumno qué es, en general, comen-tar, y cómo realizar un comentario académico. Después, se ofrece tanto una reflexión sobre lo propio del co-mentario filosófico, como un método práctico y adaptable para hacer co-mentarios de textos filosóficos. Como ejemplos se muestran dos comenta-rios de texto filosófico.

  • English

    Once the philosophy behind the analysis of a text in the form of a commentary is addressed, then the commentary of philosophical texts is explained in turn. The commentary of a philosophical text is a central component of the art of philosophizing. To further the understanding by students of text analysis and commentaries, students are walked through the specific methodology through which academic commentaries are formulated. After said explanation, a reflection on the distinct nature of the philosophical commentary is tackled, which also includes addressing a practical method on how to prepare for and construct a philosophical commentary. Two examples are used in order to illustrate the working procedures to optimize the learning value of the session.

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