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Resumen de Bridging Music and Chemistry: A Marching Band Analogy to Teach Kinetic-Molecular Theory

Hugo Vieira, Carla Morais

  • Scientific literacy is an important skill for students’ success, given the characteristics of today’s society. However, not all students have a natural predisposition toward science, chemistry in particular. Considering the relevance of transdisciplinary learning, schools should foster the scientific abilities for which students may have less aptitude or interest by taking advantage of areas and subjects that they have more inclination and knowledge. The use of analogies through comparisons between familiar and unfamiliar domains can potentiate the learning of abstract, unknown, or complex chemistry concepts. This article describes a case study regarding the use of a marching band analogy that was developed to teach kinetic-molecular theory. The study involved a convenience sample of 50 Portuguese seventh grade students attending a middle school music course, from four specialized music education schools. Data was collected through a questionnaire and an interview. Results reveal that the marching band analogy for kinetic-molecular theory, considering the students’ profile, is didactic and suitable, enhances their attention and interest, and promotes their chemistry learning. In order to benefit chemistry education, we recommend the development and use of analogies between chemistry and music with students of similar profiles or the use of different areas and subjects for other student profiles.

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