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Resumen de Perfil de la usuaria de la contracepción de emergencia en el Distrito Sanitario de Córdoba en el período 2006-2008

Marisol de Cristino Espinar, Amelia Camacho Buenosvinos, Marcial Caballero Arroyo, Ana Matas Jiménez, José Díaz Díaz, Adoración Muñoz Alonso

  • español

    Objetivo principal: Determinar las características de la solicitante de la CE en Distrito Sanitario Córdoba en el trienio 2006-2008.

    Metodología: Estudio transversal. Los sujetos del estudio son mujeres de Centros de Salud y Dispositivos de Cuidados Críticos y Urgencias del Distrito Sanitario Córdoba. Se realiza estadística descriptiva con datos recogidos en el registro unificado por el Servicio Andaluz de Salud.

    Resultados principales: 3884 mujeres atendidas. El 61,7% menores de 24 años. Una de cada 10 mujeres es menor de 16 años. El 38,3% ha usado la CE anteriormente. El 87,6% usan preservativo habitualmente y el 6,7% refiere no usar método. La solicitud de la CE la provoca problemas con el preservativo (70,1% rotura y 11% retención) y 15,1% afirman no haber usado método anticonceptivo en ese episodio.

    Conclusión principal: El perfil de las solicitantes coincide con el de otros estudios realizados. Destacar el aumento de solicitantes en los últimos 3 años y menores de 16 años. Preocupa que el 40% refieran que no es la primera vez y que el 15% afirmen no usar métodos anticonceptivos en ese episodio.

  • English

    Objective: Identifying the profile of post-coital pill requesters in Cordoba Health District during the period 2006-2008.

    Methods: A cross sectional study performed during that period. The Field of study were women who request the post-coital pill at any of the centres or services in Cordoba Health District. Descriptive statistics have been carried out with the data gathered by the Andalusian Health System from the questionnaires fulfilled in every case when the post-coital pill is requested.

    Results: 3884 women have been seen. 63% of requesters were under 24. One in every 9 was under 16. 39% of the women stated that it was not the first time that they took the pill. The usual contraception method more frequently referred to has been the prophylactic (87.4%) and 6.8% state that they don’t normally use any contraceptive method in their sexual intercourse.

    The most frequent reason given by the women who request for the post-coital pill is a broken prophylactic (70.1%) followed by a retained prophylactic inside the vagina (10.9%) although 15.1% of the women state not having used any contraceptive method in that particular ocasion.

    Conclusions: The profile of the women requesting a post-coital pill in Cordoba Health District coincides with other studies carried out in our field. We have to remark the increase in the total number of requesters in the last 3 years, and of requesters under 16. It is worrying that 40% of the women state having taken the post-coital pill in a previous episode, and that 15% of the women state that they had not taken any precautionary measures in their previous sexual intercourse. This makes us think that the post-coital pill is increasingly becoming a usual contraceptive method rather than something exceptional. Based on the above, we believe that there is a need for a higher number of campaigns on sex education aimed at the different profiles generated from this study

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