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Resumen de La jornada del héroe: el periodismo y la literatura de Ernest Hemingway

Marco Tedeschini

  • español

    La contribución de Hemingway a la literatura es innegable. Su estilo directo y escueto ha significado una ruptura con la retórica barroca del siglo 19. Gracias a ello, sus obras de ficción han sido investigadas exhaustivamente. Sin embargo, pocos estudios académicos se detuvieron en el análisis detallado de los textos que ha publicado como periodista, función que desarrolló a lo largo de toda su vida. Al rescatar los trabajos de Hemingway es posible ver que su estilo de texto como escritor y como periodista en muchos momentos hacen una simbiosis y en otros se aleja. De un autor que vivió casi sin fronteras geográficas, Hemingway estableció sus propias fronteras para separar su periodismo de su literatura.

  • English

    Hemingway’s contribution to literature is undeniable. His direct and plain style meant a rupture with the baroque rhetoric of the 19th century. Thanks to this, his works of fiction have been investigated at length. However, few academic studies have been devoted to the analysis of the texts that he produced as a joumalist, a profession that he held throughout most of his life. By delving into Hemingway’s texts, it is possible to see that his style as a fiction writer at times makes symbiosis while in other times are completely different. As an author that lived his life without many geographic boundaries, Hemingway established his own frontiers to separate his journalism and his literature.

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