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Resumen de Análisis del impacto económico que favorece la gestión financiera de las microempresas de la región altiplano en San Luis Potosí

Beatriz Virginia Tristán Monrroy, Patricia Virginia Torres Rivera, Juan Manuel Espinosa Delgado, Marcos Francisco Martínez Aguilar

  • español

    En América Latina la participación de las microempresas en la economía de un país son una importante fuente de empleo y a su vez generan estabilidad económica y social, por ello la importancia de su estudio. La presente investigación empírica con enfoque cuantitativo, de corte transversal, no experimental y correlacional tiene por objetivo identificar el grado de impacto que existe entre diversos factores cuantitativos que favorecen la gestión financiera a través del aumento en el nivel de ingreso de las microempresas en el Altiplano Potosino. Los resultados obtenidos se identificaron que existe una relación directamente proporcional entre a) permanencia en el mercado, b) nivel de escolaridad, y c) número de horas empleadas y el nivel de ingresos obtenidos. A su vez a medida que aumenta el nivel de ingreso en los microempresarios aumenta la adquisición en activos fijos y mercancía (inventario) y disminuye el endeudamiento con los proveedores. Un hallazgo a resaltar respecto a la toma de decisiones con el manejo de sus finanzas es que varía en razón de su educación, también se observó que cerca del 50% tienden a manejar una deuda con sus proveedores.

  • English

    n Latin America, the participation of microenterprises in the economy of a country is an important source of employment and in turn generates economic and social stability, hence the importance of its study. The present empirical research with a quantitative, cross-sectional, non-experimental and correlational approach aims to identify the degree of impact that exists between various quantitative factors that favor financial management through the increase in the income level of microenterprises in the Altiplano Potosino. The study population was made up of micro and small companies from the commerce sector in the Altiplano Region, a representative sample was obtained by convenience of 272 microentrepreneurs with a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 5%. The collection of information was carried out in person through a structured questionnaire. The results show that there is a moderate relationship between the variables: a) permanence in the market, b) level of education, and c) number of hours spent at work with the level of income obtained by microentrepreneurs, which means that at La As you experience these variables, your income level will also increase, that is, there is a directly proportional relationship between these variables and the level of income earned. Finally, the income level is analyzed with the acquisition of fixed assets, the acquisition of inventory and the indebtedness with suppliers, the results indicate that a measure that increases the level of income in microentrepreneurs increases the acquisition of fixed assets and merchandise (inventory) and reduces indebtedness with suppliers. A finding to highlight regarding decision-making with the management of their finances is that it varies in the reason for their education, it is also described that about 50% use to manage a debt with their suppliers.

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