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Resumen de Análisis y asociación entre las características antropométricas, somatotipo y capacidad cardiovascular en corredores de montaña de categoría amateur: un estudio piloto

Mikel Zubieta, Ibai Garcia Tabar, Daniel Castillo Alvira, Javier Raya González, Aitor Iturricastillo Urteaga, Irati Aritzeta, Kristian Alvarez, Javier Yanci Irigoyen

  • español

    A un grupo de 10 corredores de trail running de corta distancia de categoría amateur se les realizó un análisis antropométrico y un test incremental máximo con un 10% de inclinación en tapiz rodante

  • English

    Purpose: The aim of this study was to describe the anthropometrical and cardiovascular characteristics of short course trail runners and analyze the associations, if any, between both anthropometric and cardiovascular features of amateur trail runners.

    Material and method: Anthropometrical evaluation and an incremental maximum test with 10% of grade on a treadmill were performed on a group of 10 short distance amateur trail runners.

    Results: Significant negative correlations were found between the body max index (BMI) and the speed at VT1 (Vel VT1) (r = -0,95, p < 0,001), or the time to reach VT1 (r = -0,91, p = 0,002) and between the body fat percentage and the respiratory exchange ratio at VT2 (r = -0,80, p = 0,016) or the time to reach VT2 (r = -0,83, p = 0,01). Calf circumference was also found to be positively associated with oxygen consumption at VT1 (r = 0,74, p = 0,037), at VT2 (r = 0,90, p = 0,002) and with the maximal oxygen uptake (r = 0,85, p = 0,007).

    Conclusions: Results indicate that both body fat percentage and calf circumference could be related to the performance on an incremental test protocol with inclination in amateur trail runners.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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