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Resumen de Muamalah Market Disruption in The Middle of Modern Markets in Islamic Economic Perspective

Chairul Iksan Burhanuddin, Muslimin H. Kara, Mukhtar Lutfi, Syaharuddin Syaharuddin

  • The Muamalah market and the use of dinars and dirhams in the community are not merely tools for buying and selling activities. However, it contains a noble goal, namely, to provide benefits to humans, especially in buying and selling activities. The phenomenon of the muamalah market seems to be the answer to concerns about the existence and monopoly activities of conventional markets (eg malls and supermarkets). The results of this study (qualitative) reveal: first, the muamalah market has been disrupted due to the inability to compete with the conventional market presence and the delay in responding to the conventional market presence, especially from the aspect of using technology. Second, the muamalah market does not yet have a fixed place. Third, the use of dinars and dirhams during their implementation does not yet have legality in their use. Fourth, the government still has not looked at the muamalah market to make an economic contribution to the country. The implication of this research is the urgency of the presence of the muamalah market and the use of dinars and dirhams. The use of technology will provide muamalah market opportunities and the use of dinars and dirhams so that they can be useful for the community. So that this can be the answer to economic problems in the community and even for the country.

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