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Resumen de Violencia en las parejas adolescentes: implicaciones del sexismo y la religión

David Rodriguez Sola, Encarnación Soriano Ayala

  • español

    La violencia en las parejas adolescentes es un tema de especial importancia por la implicación en la salud y en las relaciones afectivas de los adolescentes. El propósito de este estudio fue determinar la influencia del género y de la religión en la violencia física, de comunicación/relación y psicológica, recibidas por los adolescentes, y en la satisfacción con la vida que estos presentan, además, del papel que juegan las conductas sexistas en esta violencia. Los participantes han sido 1 036 adolescentes pertenecientes a siete centros de educación secundaria del sudeste español, de edades comprendidas entre 14 y 19 años, de los que el 48.1 % eran hombres y el 51.9 %, mujeres. Para alcanzar los objetivos de la investigación, junto con los datos demográficos y personales, se aplicó la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida (SWLS), la Escala de Violencia en la pareja desarrollada y validada para este estudio que recoge tres subescalas: violencia psicológica, violencia física, y violencia en la comunicación y relación con otros. Finalmente, el cuestionario sobre conductas sexistas da información sobre creencias falsas y conductas sexistas.

    Los resultados muestran niveles más altos de violencia física, psicológica y de comunicación/relación sufrida por los hombres. Aunque son los hombres los que se sienten más satisfechos con la vida y los que manifiestan más conductas sexistas. La creencia religiosa no interviene en la violencia ejercida, pero son los adolescentes practicantes los que se muestran más satisfechos con la vida.

  • English

    Teen dating violence is defined as the physical, sexual, psycho-emotional violence that occurs within couple relationships during adolescence. These are relationships that threaten the well-being, health or integrity of the couple and that use mechanisms of control or domination of the couple through coactive or coercive tactics.

    With this research we have tried to find out about life satisfaction, the physical, psychological and communicative violence suffered by adolescent men and women who are religious or not. In addition, detect sexist behaviours in young people of both sexes and assess behaviours based on religious practice.

    A descriptive, cross-sectional and predictive study was carried out. Cluster random sampling was carried out when selecting secondary schools in South-eastern Spain. The study included 1 036 adolescents with ages between 14 and 19 years old, of whom 48.1 % were men and 51.9 % women.

    To fulfill the objectives together with demographic and personal data, the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) is applied, which assesses the cognitive aspects of well-being. The Psychological Violence Scale is applied with the objective of assessing the psychological and emotional violence. To know the physical violence and authoritarian behaviour, the Physical Violence Scale is applied. Finally, the Violence in Communication and Relationship with Others Scale is introduced for studying online violence and relationship violence. The three violence scales have been adapted, developed and validated by Soriano and Aguilera (2017). Finally, the questionnaire on sexist behaviours collects information on false beliefs and sexist behaviours.

    The data collection procedure followed the standards set out in the Helsinki Convention (2013) for scientific research involving human participants.

    Regarding the results, in the first of the logistic regression models, it is good for boys to go out with many girls, but not the other way around (Wald = 14.461; p = .000; OR = 4.047), it is observed to be that boys are 4.047 times more likely to agree with this attitude than girls. Also, it is statistically significant that sometimes you have to threaten others to know who is in charge, (Wald = 8.107; p = .004; OR = 2.173), which indicates that the boys are 2.173 times more likely in accordance with that conduct that the girls. It is also statistically significant that when a woman is assaulted by her partner she will have done something to provoke him, (Wald = 16.315; p = .000; OR = 3.538), making it 3.538 times more likely that boys support this attitude than girls. At the same time, it is statistically significant that the violence that occurs within the home is a family matter and should not leave there, (Wald = 4.132; p = .042; OR = 1.694), which also indicates that boys are 1.694 times more likely to adopt this behaviour than girls. Regarding the perception of violence, it is observed that men perceive more violence than women, being significant for the three types of violence studied (p < .05): Communication, psychological and physical. Personal satisfaction also shows significant results (Z = -2.61; p = .009). In this case, men perceive greatersatisfaction with their life than women.

    For students with religious beliefs and practices, statistically significant results were evident only in personal satisfaction (Z = -3.42; p = .001), showing that students who practice a religion have more satisfaction with life.

    The results show higher levels of physical, psychological and communication / relationship violence suffered by men. However, men feel more satisfation with life and show more sexist behaviour. Religious belief does not intervene in violence, but the practicing adolescents are those most satisfied with life.

Fundación Dialnet

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