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Resumen de Impact of Technology Readiness and Techno Stress on Teacher Engagement in Higher Secondary Schools

Genimon Vadakkemulanjanal Joseph, Kennedy Andrew Thomas, Alex Nero

  • Rapid technology advancements resulted a fundamental shift in the education sector which redefined the teaching-learning process and teacher engagement. Based on numerous studies on work engagement models and technology readiness, this study explores, how the teachers’ readiness to embrace educational technologies, impact on teacher engagement. With stratified cluster sampling model, data were collected from principals, managers, students and 122 faulty were participated in this quantitative study using standardized tools. Teachers were highly engaged with students-colleagues and varied across experience/age groups. Technology readiness factors positively impacted on social engagements with students-colleagues. As education technology usage is exponential, more future research is needed.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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