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Barrabiletako zelula germinalen minbizia eta konbertasak

    1. [1] Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

      Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

      Leioa, España

  • Localización: Osagaiz: osasun-zientzien aldizkaria, ISSN-e 2530-9412, Vol. 5, Nº. 2 (Abendua), 2021, págs. 41-54
  • Idioma: euskera
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • Testicular Germ-Cell Cancer and Convertases
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • euskara

      Barrabiletako zelula germinalen minbizia tumorerik ohikoena da gizonezko gazteen artean. Sendagarria da kasu gehienetan eta ez dauka oso prebalentzia alturik, azken urteetan gora egin badu ere. Barrabiletako tumore germinalak deritze, hozi-zeluletatik sortzen baitira. Tumore horiek tratatzeko erabiltzen diren  estrategia terapeutikoak azkeneko 50 urteetan aldatu ez izanak gaixoen bizi-kalitatea murriztua uzten du, epe luzerako albo-ondorio larriak baititu (gaixotasun kardiobaskularrak eta bestelako tumoreak garatzeko arrisku altuagoa, ugalketa-ahalmen gutxitua, etab). Hori dela eta, ezinbestekoa da ikerketa gehiago egitea bizirik dirauten gazteen bizi-kalitatea bermatzeko. Proproteina konbertasak (pro)proteina inaktiboen heltze-prozesuaren arduradunak diren proteasak dira. Hainbat funtzio dituzte, eta, beraz, haien adierazpenaren aldaketak hainbat egoera patologikorekin erlazionatu dira, hala nola minbiziarekin edo hanturarekin. Haien substratu askok erlazio zuzena dute garapen tumoralarekin eta egiaztatu da haien inhibizioak tumoreen agerpena moteltzen duela. Hori guztia kontuan hartuta, interesgarria litzateke aztertzea barrabiletako minbizian konbertasen esangura, haren diagnosirako zein terapeutikarako, biomarkatzaile edota itu terapeutiko gisa.

    • English

      Testicular germ cell cancer is the most common malignancy amongst young men. It is widely considered a “curable” form of cancer and, although its prevalence is not too high, it has been increasing since the 1970s. The main therapeutic approaches used to treat these tumors, which have not changed in the last 50 years, limit considerably the long-term quality of life of the survivors due to their side effects (increased risk of cardiovascular disease and other cancer types, decreased fertility, etc.). It is important to continue to research this condition in hopes of bettering that quality of life. Proprotein convertases are the proteases in charge of the maturation of a lot of (pro)proteins. They have multiple functions, so changes in their expression have been related to multiple pathologic states such as cancer or inflammation. A considerable number of their substrates play a part in the biogenesis and development of cancer, and convertase inhibition has been observed to slow the development of some tumors. Considering all this, it may be interesting to study the potential relevance of this protein family in the testes in order to use them as biomarkers or therapeutic targets in the future.

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