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Resumen de Pliocene small mammals from the Udunga site of the Transbaikal area

Nadezhda Alexeeva, Margarita Erbajeva, Fedora Khenzykhenova

  • español

    En Transbaikalia (Siberia), la más antigua fauna conocida procede del yacimiento de Udunga del Plioceno superior basal, que define el Complejo Faunístico Udungiense. Se caracteriza por su fauna peculiar de mamíferos, incluyendo alguna forma del Rusciniense previamente desconocida en esta región, y varios taxa nuevos de grandes y pequeños mamíferos hallados en Transbaikalia por primera vez. Entre los pequeños mamíferos se reconoce y describe aquí un nuevo cricétido (Gromovia daamsi n. gen., n. sp.). El análisis de la fauna muestra la predominancia de habitantes de bosque.

  • English

    In the Transbaikal area, the oldest known fauna is from Udunga site of the early Late Pliocene which was attributed to the Udunginian Faunistic Complex. It is characterized by its peculiar mammal fauna, including some Ruscinian forms previously unknown in this region, and several new large and small mammalian taxa found in the Transbaikal area for the first time. Among small mammals, a new cricetid taxon (Gromovia daamsi n. gen., n. sp.) is recognized and described here. The analysis of the fauna shows the predominance of forest inhabitants

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