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Resumen de La adicción a las TIC. Un problema de la actualidad.

María Blázquez Rubio, Isabel Andrés Martínez, Elisa Martínez Santamaría, Laura Berges Borque, Belén Gil Pardos, Álvaro Marzal Rubio

  • español

    Introducción: Las TIC nos facilitan la vida, pero a su vez pueden restringirla. En ocasiones, sobre todo en los adolescentes, Internet y la tecnología pueden convertirse en un fin y no en un medio.

    Objetivo: Buscar la evidencia científica sobre la existencia de la adicción en el uso de las nuevas tecnologías, internet y de las redes sociales, sus consecuencias a diferentes niveles de salud y abordaje terapéutico.

    Métodos: Los datos se han obtenido tras hacer una búsqueda en Dialnet, Alcorze y Google académico sobre artículos que aportan información acerca del uso actual de las nuevas tecnologías, internet así como de las redes sociales. Se seleccionaron 12 artículos y se consultaron dos libros de la biblioteca de la Universidad de Zaragoza.

    Resultados: El uso de las nuevas tecnologías, de internet y de las redes sociales está en auge en la actualidad los jóvenes y adolescentes los que más las emplean, llegando a padecer diferentes trastornos. Existen señales de alarma, factores de protección, estrategias de prevención y tratamiento.

    Conclusiones: Addiction to new technologies to the internet and social networks is a worrying phenomenon. Certain personality characteristics are more vulnerable. The abuse of social networks can lead to isolation, poor performance, lack of interest in other topics, conduct disorders as well as sedentary lifestyle and obesity. Physical exercise serves as a means to regulate anxiety and a suitable occupation in leisure would be important to establish in cases of addiction.

  • English

    Introduction: ICTs make life easier for us, but at the same time they can restrict it. Sometimes, especially in adolescents, the Internet and technology can become an end and not a means.

    Objective: To search for scientific evidence on the existence of addiction in the use of new technologies, the Internet and social networks, its consequences at different levels of health and therapeutic approach.

    Methods: The data has been obtained after doing a search in Dialnet, Alcorze and academic Google on articles that provide information about the current use of new technologies, the internet as well as social networks. Twelve articles were selected and two books from the library of the University of Zaragoza were consulted.

    Results: The use of new technologies, the Internet and social networks is currently booming, young people and adolescents who use them the most, suffering from different disorders. There are red flags, protective factors, prevention and treatment strategies.

    Conclusion: New technology addiction, internet and social media are a worrying phenomenon. Certain personality characteristics are more vulnerable to this addiction. The abuse of social media can lead to isolation, poor performance, lack of interest in other topics, conduct disorders as well as sedentary lifestyle and obesity. The adequate occupation of leisure as well as a good self-esteem are a brake on the involvement of the minor in addictive behaviors.

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