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Resumen de Demencia. Caso clínico.

Yasmina Millán Duarte, Ana Cristina García Sacramento, Paula Garcés Fuertes, María García Velarte, Cristina Barcelona Blasco, Laura Rebeca García García

  • español

    Paciente de 70 años llega a urgencias por encontrarse vagando por el vecindario en estado de confusión y desorientada, lleva varios meses con pérdidas de memoria y con dificultad para realizar tareas domésticas que antes realizaba sin problemas.

    Es derivada al neurólogo donde le hacen pruebas para descartar patología orgánica, finalmente se le diagnostica de Alzheimer.

  • English

    A 70-year-old patient arrived at the emergency department to find herself wandering around the neighbourhood in a state of confusion and disorientation; she had been suffering from memory loss for several months and had difficulty performing household tasks that she had previously carried out without any problems.

    She was referred to a neurologist where tests were carried out to rule out organic pathology and she was finally diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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