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Resumen de Implantación territorial y análisis arquitectónico de los búnkeres del Subsector IV del estrecho de Gibraltar (Conil, Vejer y Barbate)

Alberto Atanasio Guisado, Juan Francisco Molina Rozalem

  • The fortified system executed on the north bank of the Strait of Gibraltar from 1939 pursued two objectives: an offensive one, for which coastal batteries and lighting projectors were installed; and a defensive one, for which around four hundred reinforced concrete bunkers were built for machine guns and / or anti-tank guns along the coastal strip that runs from San Roque to Conil de la Frontera. According to the military archive documentation, the device for the defense of the land front and against landings on the coast was organized into four subsectors, designated with roman numerals from east to west. Subsector IV, the westernmost, extends from Barbate to Conil, through Vejer de la Frontera. Divided into two resistance centers, it is the one that contained the lowest density of positions, with a total of twenty-seven pillboxes. This communication has a double purpose. On the one hand, deepen the territorial implantation of the bunker network of Subsector IV, to understand that is fundamental the systemic conception between them and between them and the whole set of bunkers. Secondly, to carry out an individual and specific architectural analysis of each one of the works, focusing on the constructive characteristics and the existence of possible typological relationships.

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