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Resumen de Urban and social strategy for the recovery of public space in an emblematic neighborhood: experiences in the Chaveña Colony of Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua

Elvira Maycotte Pansza, Olga Rosa Ortiz Gutiérrez

  • español

    La complejidad del tema urbano y social de Ciudad Jua?rez se exacerbo? a partir del an?o 2008 a causa de la incidencia delictiva que enfrento?; el temor motivo? el abandono del espacio pu?blico por parte de sus habitantes a todo lo largo y ancho de la ciudad. Sin embargo, esta circunstancia poco afortunada abrio? la oportunidad de instrumentar un modelo de intervencio?n social que, como muchos, so?lo son atendidos en la teori?a pero en la pra?ctica esta?n ausentes.

    Muchos han sido los intentos, pero son pocas las pra?cticas dirigidas a fortalecer el sentido co- munitario que han tenido continuidad y que, a su vez, muestran su e?xito no so?lo por los resultados, sino porque han forjado un canal para que estudiantes y docentes de una institucio?n de educacio?n pu?blica superior incidan de forma positiva en la comunidad a la que se deben, toda vez que la experiencia iniciada en la colonia La Chaven?a se ha replicado en contextos sociales conflictivos validando con ello la construccio?n de comunida- des socialmente sustentables.

  • English

    As of 2008, the complexity of the urban and social themes in Ciudad Juarez was exacerbated as a result of the criminal incidence faced by the community. Fear motivated the abandonment of public spaces by inhabitants throughout the length and breadth of the city. However, this unfortunate circumstance opened the opportunity to implement a model of social intervention that, like many, is only analyzed in the theory but is absent in the practice.

    Many attempts have been made, but few practices aimed at strengthening the community’s sense of continuity and which, in turn, have shown success. This success is not only because of the results but is also due to the creation of a network for students and teachers in one Higher Public Education Institution that had a positive impact on the community of La Chaven?a. The experience initiated at La Chaven?a community has been replicated in conflicting social contexts, thereby, validating the construction of socially sustainable communities.

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