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Resumen de The Germanic Weak Preterite: Facing up to 'talgidai'

Jay H. Jasanoff

  • The 3 sg. pret. form talgidai, discovered in 1961, belongs to the earliest stratum of the Runic Norse corpus. But since the ending -dai (for expected -de) is incompatible with the traditional derivation of the weak preterite from a periphrastic construction in *-dhōm (< *dhoh1m), *-dhēs, *-dhēt, etc., much scholarly effort has been invested in explaining the final -ai as an error. This paper maintains that talgidai is probably a real form, and that the standard derivation of the weak preterite from a periphrasis in 3 sg. *-dhēt is problematic on independent grounds. It is argued that a periphrastic construction with a 3 sg. perfect middle *-(dhe)dh(h1)oi provides at least as good an explanation of the weak preterite as the traditional theory.

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