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Resumen de Influence of the adaptive physical training and sports on socialization of the individuals with limited physical abilities

Svetlana Viktorovna Annenkova, Valery Dmitrievich Panachev, Anatoly Aleksandrovich Opletin, Leonid A. Zelenin, A. Zelenin, Aleksandr Nikolaevich Legotkin, Rafily Faizrahmanovna Kusykova, Nikoly Leonidovich Ponomarev

  • This study reveals the issues of effective socialization by means of physical culture and sports of students with limited physical abilities, which number, unfortunately, grows with every year. The article analyses the obtained experimental data on the use of adaptive physical training and sports for group of cadets with limited physical abilities with aim of their socialization and motor quality development. Individual programs were developed for such students, which are founded on several aspects: physician-biological, pedagogical, social and psychological. Ultimately, all the above taken together gives the positive result in physical and motor fitness of cadets with limited physical abilities for successful socialization in the future. These problems relate to new state standard on physical training.

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