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Resumen de Estimation of educational establishments performance in Saber 5◦tests in Colombia: An approach from small area estimation

Cristian Fernando Téllez Piñerez, Ivan Rico Arias, Stalyn Guerrero Gómez, Leonardo Trujillo Oyola

  • Both identification of factors associated with the performance of students in standardized tests andthe generation of high quality and low cost statistics are a necessity for decision makers today, ineducation these data are necessary to decide about the creation of policies, the continuity of programsand the allocation of resources from year to year. An application of the methodology proposed byTellez,2021is considered to estimate at departmental level the average performance of educationalestablishments in Colombia that presented the Saber 3◦5◦y 9◦in 2015 applied by ICFES. Thismethodology integrates the construction of a Fay-Herriot model based in small areas estimation withmultiple estimation of the performance of each student via plausible values and auxiliary information.

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