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Debagoienako (Gipuzkoa, Euskadi) fosa komunak: Gerra Zibileko testuinguruan kokatuz

  • Autores: Aitor Juaristi
  • Localización: CKQ: estudios de Cuaternario, ISSN 2174-0585, ISSN-e 2174-3703, Nº. 6, 2016, págs. 61-73
  • Idioma: euskera
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • Mass-graves from Debagiena (Gipuzkoa, Basque Country): putting into Civil War context
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • English

      Spain's civil war began on 18th of June of 1936, with the Francoist uprising. At that time, the ones in favour of republic started the resistance against Franco. In Debagoiena (Gipuzkoa), war finished on 25th of april of 1937, resulting victorious Francoist bloc. As result, republicans were affected with several facts as; shootings, imprisonments, expropriations etc. Many people considered as missing, is supposed to be shot, some of them have been found in mass-graves. In Debagoiena, there are different mass-graves; the ones for the people who died fighting, and the ones that died due to repression. Moreover, the elements found in those places bring us a lot of information about the Spanish civil war, that helps us to know about our history better.

    • euskara

      Espainiako Gerra Zibila 1936ko ekainaren 18an hasi zen, altxamendu frankistarekin. Momentu horretan, errepublikaren aldekoek erresistentzia martxan jarri zuten. Debagoienean (Gipuzkoa) gerra 1937ko apirilaren 25ean bukatu zen, frankistak garaile irten zirelarik. Honek errepublikarrentzako ondorio gogorrak ekarri zituen: fusilamenduak, atxiloketak, desjabetzeak etab. Desagertutako pertsona asko fusilatuak izan ziren, horietako gutxi batzuk aurkitu egin dira, fosa komunetan. Debagoienean fosa mota desberdinak daude: borrokan hildakoak edota errepresioagatik hildakoak. Gainera, horietan aurkitutako elementua informazio asko ematen dute Gerra Zibila hobeto ulertzeko.

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