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Resumen de Morfogénesis eólica y evolución edáfica del entorno de la laguna del Charco del Toro (P. N. De doñana, SW España) desde el final del Holoceno medio

C. Borja, Fernando Díaz del Olmo, F. Borja, José Manuel Recio Espejo, A. Lama

  • Dune morphology and soils associated with the genesis and evolution of Charco del Toro small-lake have been studied from an integrated approach. The Charco del Toro is a very emblematic wetland of Doñana National Park (South-Atlantic Spanish Coast), which belongs to the wetland system of the Aeolian Littoral Sand Sheet of El Abalario-Doñana, one of the most important dune formations of European coast. Methodologically, several samples were collected for Optically Stimulated Luminescence in each aeolian unit mapped, and four wetland soil profiles were analyzed. We have concluded about the genesis and dynamics of the Charco del Toro small lake during the upper Holocene, considering the aeolian evolution and soil development of the area.

Fundación Dialnet

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