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Resumen de El español que venció a Wellington

Jacinto J. Marabel Matos

  • español

    Entre mayo y junio de 1811 los británicos pusieron dos veces cerco a la plaza de Badajoz, entonces en poder de los franceses. El primero de ellos tuvo que ser rápidamente levantado para hacer frente al mariscal Soult, que llegaba de Andalucía con el V Cuerpo para socorrer a la guarnición. Retomado des- pués de la Batalla de La Albuera, los movimientos coordinados de los ejércitos franceses precipitaron los planes diseñados por Lord Wellington para tomar la plaza, poniendo de manifiesto las carencias del Real Cuerpo de Ingenieros en la guerra de sitios

  • English

    Between May and June 1811 the British twice laid siege to the place of Badajoz, then in possession of the French. The first of them had to be quickly lifted to face Marshal Soult, who came from Andalusia with the V Corps to help the garrison. Resumed after the Battle of La Albuera, the coordinated move- ments of the French armies precipitated the plans designed by Lord Wellington to take the place, revealing the shortcomings of the Corps of Royal Engineers in the war of sieges, but, above all, the superiority of the French artillery that ended up defeating him. Paradoxically, those guns were directed by Spaniards, officials of the Army of Joseph Napoleon later relegated by History. This work tries to recover the memory of one of them: the Colonel César González, the Spaniard who defeated Wellington

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