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Resumen de Geoquímica de los fluidos asociados a estructuras filonianas mesozoicas del anticlinal de Talayuelas (Cordillera Ibérica, Cuenca).

Jordi Tritlla i Cambra, Esteve Cardellach i López, J. Huerta

  • In the Talayuelas anticline (Cuenca province, lberian Ranges) many quartz-siderite and barite ± quartz veins associated to Mesozoic faulting are found. They reflect an intense hydrothermal activity dominated by upwelling hot fluids of ultimate surficial origin (150 to 160 ºC and up to 25% NaCI eq. salinity) that mixed with colder, less saline, descending solutions. Barite sulfate is related to the leaching of evaporites of Triassic to Jurassic age. The fluid circulation was probably enhanced by the high geothermal gradient related to the graben stage during the development of the lberian rift.

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