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Resumen de New Reasons to Doubt the Authenticity of the "Enarratio in Isaiam" Attributed to Basil

Dimitros Zaganas

  • The present article seeks to problematize the Enarratio in Isaiam’s genesis, attribution and relation to Basil of Caesarea on the grounds of new evidence. On the one hand, a critical and philological re-examination of the Enarratio’s preface reveals a hitherto unnoticed textual agreement with Cyril of Alexandria’s Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew, a number of repetitions and stylistic infelicities, and some discrepancies. On the other hand, a fresh analysis of the lacuna on Is 6:1-5 and especially the double exegesis of Is 6:6-8 strongly points to a then open and unfinished text and to rewriting processes of compilation literature. No doubt the authenticity issue of the Enarratio is more complex than it appears, and needs further critical study

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