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Resumen de Comportamiento geomecánico de materiales paleozoicos bajo compresión triaxial (Zona Cantábrica, Macizo Ibérico)

M. González Buelga, M. Gutiérrez Claverol, L. Rodríguez Bouzo, Miguel Torres Alonso

  • The results of several triaxial tests have been analized. Intact rock samples have been used fom Cambrian, Ordovician and Carboniferous materials from the Bernesga Va/ley located in northern León. Several calculations of the following have been made: failure envelope ecuation, compressive strength (σ), cohesión (c), sliding friction angle (Φ), friction coefficient (µ), and angle between shear fractures and the uniaxial compressive strength ( a). A correlation between σ1 and σ3, shear stress and normal stress, and lag (σ1 -σ3) vs. lag (σ1 + σ3) has also been calculated.

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