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Resumen de A Postcard from Mr Joyce to Ms Beach: Death and Commemoration at Glasnevin Cemetery in the Age of "Ulysses"

Patrick Callan

  • In July 1920, James Joyce met Sylvia Beach, the American proprietor of Shakespeare and Company in Paris. Beach had never visited Ireland. Joyce gifted her with a postcard featuring a view from the 1890s of Charles Stewart Parnell's grave in Glasnevin Cemetery. This gift, combined with another tourist postcard of the Parnell grave taken circa 1902, clarified the general appearance of the Parnell grave site on 16 June 1904. The Beach card illuminates the political, moral, and cultural content of Dublin postcards. The photographic evidence of regular visitations to the grave of Parnell in the 1890s contrasted with a waning participation in the annual political celebration held each October to honor his memory. This essay reflects on changing attitudes to Joyce in Ireland in the early 1960s, concluding with a consideration of Beach's Irish visits in 1960 and 1962.

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