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Resumen de Peculiarities of using information technologies through the prism of the principles of civil proceedings

Olena Marycheva, Vitalii Kucher, Tetyana Kurylo, Roman Demkiv, Nataliia Grabar

  • The aim of the study is to reveal the features of the use of information technology in civil proceedings in terms of compliance with its basic principles, because the digitalization of judiciary through the implementation of modern IT technologies in Ukraine is one of the most effective ways to improve the level and quality of administration, of justice, fulfillment of its tasks. Fair, impartial and timely consideration and resolution of civil cases is impossible without adherence to its principles, which are key guidelines in the formation of procedural law.

    The study was conducted using general and special methods of scientific knowledge: comparative, historical and legal, formal-logical, dialectical, system-structural.

    After analyzing current and future legislation, doctrinal approaches, best practices of foreign countries, the authors revealed the benefits of implementing information technology in civil proceedings and their impact on the realization of such principles as: rule of law, equality of all participants before the law and court, publicity and openness of the trial, reasonable time for consideration of the case by court, adversarial parties.

    On the basis of the conducted research generalizations and conclusions regarding the state and prospects of application of information technologies in civil proceedings through a prism of its principles are made.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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