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Resumen de Catalan identity in the 20th Century Novel: A sociological study

Adolf Piquer Vidal

  • The 20th century is definitely the consolidation of Catalan literary movements in which Catalan identity plays a fundamental role. Modernism and avant-garde movements prompted a renewal of literary genres. The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) was a point of conflict that led to the exile of most writers in Catalan. However, they continued publishing their works in Catalan. That´s the case of La Plaça del Diamant by Mercé Rodoreda and Cròniques de la veritat oculta by Pere Calders. That process of exile came to an end between 1962 to 1975 (death of Franco). Terenci Moix, Montserrat Roig, and others belonged to a generation called “generació literària dels setanta.” Most of them were born in Spanish postwar, educated in Francoism, concerned to recover the Catalan national identity, democratic politics, and social liberation of women and gay people.

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