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Resumen de Lead poisoning from lead in tap water in a child population of west Asturias

J.M. Cabeza, J.J. Rodriguez, M.A. Martin, S. Cornejo

  • español

    Para conocer el contenido de plomo en sangre y la zinc-protoporfirina se analizaron 246 muestras de niños del Occidente de Asturias (108 niñas).Los valores medios encon trados fueron de 8,9 ug/dLy 2,2 ug/g Hb. Al separar por gru pos, los que consumen agua con elevados contenidos de plomo,(N=56), presentaron plumbemias maselevadas: media 20,9 ug/dL, con relación a los no expuestos (N=190), que tuvieron un valor medio de 5,3 ug/dL. La ZPP no se elevó significativamente en ambos grupos. Un 30,1%de los niños presentó una plumbemia superior a 10 ug/dL y un 4,8% superior a 25 |ig/dL.

  • English

    Lead and Zinc-Protoporphyrin in the blood. Lead and zinc-protoporphyrin were determined in the blood of 246 children (138 males and 108 females) living in areas of west Asturias, in order to know your lead poisoning from tap water. Mean values found were 8.9 μg/dL and 2.2 μg/g Hb respectively. Blood lead levels were considerably higher in children than ingested water with large lead levels (mean 20.9 μg/dL versus 5.3 μg/dL). 30% of the samples measured were higher 10 μg/dL and 4.8% levels >25 μg/dL. Zinc-protoporphyrin is not a significant relationship between both groups.

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