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Resumen de Research trends from computer and electronic sciences

Emiro de la Hoz Franco

  • Electronics as a technical and scientific discipline was born in 1904, based on the principles defined by John Ambrose Fleming (inventor of the diode) and André Marie Ampére (founder of electromagnetic theory), its evolu-tion towards current electronics, has largely been possible thanks to the invention of the triode (device capable of converting alternating current into direct current) by Lee De Forest. On the other hand, computer science was born as a scientific discipline in the early 1940s, based on mathematical logic and algorithmic theory, the principles that sustain it go back to the works Gottlob Frege (father of modern mathematical logic) and Andréi Kolmogórov (founder of the theory of algorithm complexity). The complementarity between these two relevant disciplines has made possible the development of a wide diversity of technologies applied to studies in the care of health (e.g. biomechanics, computerized axial tomography and telemedicine) and to space exploration (e.g. communication mobile and GPS, robotics and nanotechnology), among others.

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