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Resumen de Langlands duality and Poisson–Lie duality via cluster theory and tropicalization

Anton Alekseev, Arkady Berenstein, Benjamin Hoffman, Yanpeng Li

  • Let G be a connected semisimple Lie group. There are two natural duality constructions that assign to G: its Langlands dual group G∨, and its Poisson–Lie dual group G∗, respectively. The main result of this paper is the following relation between these two objects: the integral cone defined by the cluster structure and the Berenstein–Kazhdan potential on the double Bruhat cell G∨;w0,e⊂G∨ is isomorphic to the integral Bohr–Sommerfeld cone defined by the Poisson structure on the partial tropicalization of K∗⊂G∗ (the Poisson–Lie dual of the compact form K⊂G). By Berenstein and Kazhdan (in: Contemporary mathematics, vol. 433. American Mathematical Society, Providence, pp 13–88, 2007), the first cone parametrizes the canonical bases of irreducible G-modules. The corresponding points in the second cone belong to integral symplectic leaves of the partial tropicalization labeled by the highest weight of the representation. As a by-product of our construction, we show that symplectic volumes of generic symplectic leaves in the partial tropicalization of K∗ are equal to symplectic volumes of the corresponding coadjoint orbits in Lie(K)∗. To achieve these goals, we make use of (Langlands dual) double cluster varieties defined by Fock and Goncharov (Ann Sci Ec Norm Supér (4) 42(6):865–930, 2009). These are pairs of cluster varieties whose seed matrices are transpose to each other. There is a naturally defined isomorphism between their tropicalizations. The isomorphism between the cones described above is a particular instance of such an isomorphism associated to the double Bruhat cells Gw0,e⊂G and G∨;w0,e⊂G∨.

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