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Resumen de Un punto de exterioridad. Meditaciones sobre el investigador institucional

Carlos F. Greco, Diana Crespo

  • español

    Este intenta ser un texto friable, entropico, provocador de capacidades interpretativas, cuyo sentido se construya en la hondura intima del deseo y del anhelo propios. Un texto que acompane el peregrinaje por el limite de alguna paciencia agotada. Que reconozca la pobreza de lo solido, lo compacto, lo reconciliado, e indague lo elastico, lo expandible, lo abierto. Un texto que peine a contrapelo lo necesario y cubra con fragmentos un dia de trabajo del tecnico. Un texto que deflacione la verdad para dejarnos solos con nuestros resultados y nuestras respuestas. Es un texto que propone un salto. Un sujeto perturbador, una ciencia que no piensa y una sociedad mas alla de la sociologia vertebran, en lo que sigue, la argumentacion “critica” con respecto al investigador. En trabajos previos (Greco y Crespo, 2016) los autores vieron que estos tres ejes tienen la capacidad de ocasionar curvaturas alternativas en la cotidianeidad laboral, con posibilidades de relajar las tensiones en nuestra identidad como tecnicos, exponiendo costados de la misma, sino con mayor, por lo menos, con distinto impacto de transformacion.

  • English

    As institutional researchers we split our day in the lab between some experiments, some writing, occasionally some reading, and an excruciating pile of paperwork to get that extra money to keep our project ongoing. We consider the latter a hindrance to progress, an unbearable distraction, completely unrelated to our main objective scientific interest. This feature creates a tension within our everydayness between the modern scientist we believe we should, but are not allowed to be, and some sort of heretic researcher that does politics by other means. Yet, the institutional researcher we refer to, embody the latter, in other words, the possibility of sending us over to an outside in which the subject is not suppressed, in which we have the possibility of thinking ourselves differently and, for that matter, to reassess how we relate to our research project. This does not advocate for letting the subject back in with an extra load of sociology, politics and/or philosophy of science seminars on the side, but to ascertain that it was always with us in the lab as in immanent “point of exteriority”, a position that is both intimate and yet also “extimate” to science, that it is both within science and, at the same time, it is a movement to its limits.

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