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Resumen de Situación de salud en Perú: La epidemia de cólera

David A. Tejada de Rivero

  • español

    La epidemia de cólera en Perú, extendida a países vecinos y con una alta probabilidad de convertirse en endemia, es, sin duda, un tema de interés no circunscrito a epidemiólogos y sanitaristas. El análisis de sus causas directas e inmediatas, así como de sus factores condicionantes más generales, nos puede servir para comprender que otras enfermedades infectocontagiosas se pueden presentar epidémicamente en cualquier momento. Para ello debemos estar debidamente preparados. Sin embargo, lo más importante y trascendente es que la epidemia nos ha permitido reconocer y aceptar que el actual modelo de cuidado de la salud predominante en Iberoamérica pareciera estar agotándose. Por lo menos así ocurre en Perú.

  • English

    That present cholera epidemic that has now spread to neighbouring countries and which shows every sign of becoming endemic is here held to be a subject of interest to people other than such as might be inmediatly and professionally tasked with dealing with such phenomena. A close analysis of its immediate and direct causes, along with the general conditioning factors behind these, leads us inevitably to the conclusion that other causally similar infections and contagions could be in the offing and that endemically. It is thus felt they must be met by a previously prepared world. The paper feels that one thing at least, and this a transcendent and important one, has been gleaned from the present disaster and that is that the actual public health set up in Ibero-america has been shown to be wearing out, at least as far as Peru is concerned.

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