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Resumen de Tourism and the Health Effects of Infectious Diseases:: Are There Potential Risks for Tourists?

Brent A. Baker

  • According to statistics of the WorldTourism Organization (WTO), international touristarrivals for 2014 exceeded 1138 million. In the same year the majority ofinternational tourist arrivals were for thepurposes of leisure, recreation and holiday, about 55%. However travel is a potent force in the emergenceof disease since the migration of humans has beenthe pathway for disseminating infectious diseases throughout recorded history andwill continue to shape the emergence, frequency, and spread of infections in geographicareas and populations. The current volume, speed, and reach of travel are unprecedented.The consequences of travel extend beyond the traveler to the population visitedand the ecosystem.International travel and tourism can pose various risks tohealth, depending on the characteristics ofboth the traveler and the travel.

    Travelersmay encounter serious health risks that may arise inareas where accommodation is of poorquality, hygiene and sanitation areinadequate.The purpose of this paper is to highlightthe details and impact of significant infectious diseases that can pose a risk to tourists and threaten public health.The paper also seeks to raiseawareness of the issues outlined and thereby increase efforts to enhance travel safety.

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