Durant la Guerra Civil espanyola (1936-1939) es van construir moltes posicions defensives per protegir i defensar la costa contra un possible desembarcament de les tropes rebels. Entre totes aquestes destaquen els nius de metralladores. el litoral del Baix Empordà no es va quedar fora d'aquesta situació, i es van construir mès de setanta nius de metralladores en llocs que podrien patir un desembarcament de tropes. En la seva construcció es van fer servir molts recursos, però tot amb l'important objectiu de fortificar la costa
During the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) many defensive positions were built to protect and defend the coast against a possible landing of rebel troops. Among all these are the nests of machine guns. the coast of the Baix Empordà was not left out of this situation, and more than seventy machine gun nests were built in places that could suffer a landing of troops. Many resources were used in its construction, but all with the important aim of fortifying the coast
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