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Resumen de An Austrian School View on Eucken’s Ordoliberalism. Analyzing the Roots and Concept of German Ordoliberalism from the Perspective of Austrian School Economics

Patrick Reimers

  • This paper explains the origins and the theoretical concept of Ordo-liberalism, focusing in particular on one of its founders, Walter Eucken. We will focus on the political and economic concepts of Ordoliberalism in regards to interventionism, competition, monopolies, democracy and property rights. For a better understanding, we will compare its main positions and rationale with both, the concept of a social market economy, as well as with the theoretical background of the Austrian School of economics. We pretend to define how much State is necessary to assure a long-term maximization of human rights and individual liberty, while also evaluating at what stage a State becomes too big, potentially turning into a totalitarian autocracy.

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