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Resumen de Diseño e implementación de un software para el manejo de residuos sólidos en instituciones y empresas de Honda - Tolima.

Giovanni Andrés Vargas Galván, Jorge Enrique Jurado Bolivar, Francisca Barragan Galindo

  • español

    El desarrollo y el avance de la sociedad han obligado a la adopción de medidas que vayan de la mano con el medio ambiente. Un mal manejo de los residuos implicaría una serie de perjuicios que por medio de vectores sanitarios propagarían una serie de enfermedades al hombre y dañaría notablemente al medio ambiente.

    En Colombia, la problemática de los residuos sólidos es grande; esto, debido a la alta producción per cápita (kilogramo/habitante/día) que es de 0.5 Kg. /hab./día aproximadamente, variando de 1 Kg. /hab./día en las grandes ciudades hasta 0.2 Kg. /hab./día en las poblaciones rurales (Puerta Echeverri, 2004).

    Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, se propone la elaboración de un software que permita el manejo de los residuos sólidos en instituciones (educativas y de servicios) y empresas en el municipio de Honda; el cual, tiene inicialmente una caracterización de los mismos, la cual es una herramienta de trabajo que permite conocer el elemento con el que se trabaja, y con este conocimiento se está en condiciones de establecer una mejor disposición final en cuanto a su manejo, logrando a su vez una optimización de los recursos disponibles para tales efectos (Silva, 2013).

  • English

    The development and advancement of society have forced the adoption of measures that go hand in hand with the environment. A bad handling of the waste would imply a series of damages that by means of sanitary vectors would spread a series of diseases to the man and would significantly damage to the environment.In Colombia, the problem of solid waste is great; this, due to the high production per capita (kilogram / inhabitant / day) that is 0.5 Kg. /hab./day approximately, varying from 1 Kg. /hab./day in large cities to 0.2 Kg. /hab. / day in rural populations (Puerta Echeverri, 2004).Taking into account the above, it is proposed the development of a software that allows the management of solid waste in institutions (educational and services) and companies in the municipality of Honda; which, initially has a characterization of them, which is a work tool that allows to know the element with which you work, and with this knowledge you are in a position to establish a better final disposition regarding its management, achieving At the same time, an optimization of the resources available for such effects (Silva, 2013).In the same way, the project generates the following benefits:Economic: Use and recovery of solid waste to the productive system, this through the sale of recycling or production of by-products such as fertilizer, thereby generating various sources of employment for people in the municipality of Honda.Social: Human talent training that allows generating an environmental culture to the community in general, which includes educational institutions and that can serve as a vehicle to replicate such management to the homes of students, teachers and administrators; In addition, mainstream environmental education into the curriculum of the Environmental Technology program of Coreducación.Environmental: Reduce the pollution generated by waste and leachate; which is a cause of respiratory diseases and gastrointestinal diseases (Bonfanti, 2004).Operational and organizational: Create an environmental committee that serves as a veedor for this type of problem by the municipal governments; In addition, the inhabitants are not made aware of recycling policies and would be the administrator of the information software, thus allowing decision-making based on real and accurate data

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